Submit your MAN Article

Send us an Article for the Newsletter
PLEASE read the Guidelines for Mid-America Newsletter Submissions!!!
1) Fill in your name (first name only if you so desire.)
2) Enter a valid e-mail address, in case we need to contact you about your submission.
3) Enter a title for your submission if you desire.
4)Type, Paste, or Attach your Submission.
To Attach a Submission, Click the “Choose File” button, navigate to the folder in which your submission is stored, click the file, then Click the “Upload” button.
Attachments may be: .gif, .jpg, .png, .txt, .rtf, .doc, .docx format, maximum size, 2 Mb

Please enter your name here, as you would like it to appear in the Newsletter.
Please enter your email address.
Please enter a short title for your submission.
Please enter your submission, here, or if uploading a file, simply enter the world, "upload."
Upload the file containing your submission. This is not required if you entered it into the Article Body Field.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 39